About Us

Since 1994, Teresi Construction has specialized in building and renovating custom homes throughout the east end of Long Island. Our pride in our work shows through the attention to detail, dependability, cost effectiveness, and on-time construction that we provide our clients.

We are in touch with the wants and needs of todays home owners. We are experienced in the use of today's latest technologies in energy efficiency including solar energy, geo thermal, and radiant heat systems.

Our skilled craftsmen have over 15 years experience in woodworking and cabinet making. Our Staff of dedicated contracting professionals are part of an intricate team that work together to help us ensure you that the construction process will be an enjoyable experience.

We provide a detailed construction cost estimate that gives you a comprehensive look at the cost of the different phases of construction. This allows you to make adjustments (if needed) to keep your project on budget, and still have your dream home built to your expectations.

Contact Teresi Construction for a detailed construction cost estimate or to help plan your next project.